New Moon in Aries

Hey there, moon babes!

Moonology, or working with the moon, is a huge part of my personal practice. Many of the healing circles I host are centered on the current phase of the moon. In fact, the first healing circle I ever hosted was for a new moon in Aries!

If you are seeing this right now, and have been curious about working with the moon -- this is your official invitation from the universe to START.

If you are new to this work, I’ll admit it can be overwhelming. There is so much information out there, it can be hard to know where to start! My recommendation is always to start with the new moons. They are the beginning of the lunar cycle. They are all about new beginnings and setting intentions, and in that way they offer us a fresh start every 29.5 days.

With Aries being the first sign in the zodiac, that makes the New Moon in Aries the first new moon of this astrological year, so let’s dive in! Let’s talk about the energy of an Aries moon and what this new moon is particularly good for.

New Moon in Aries

As always, if you have any questions about this enthusiastic, active moon, reach out! I’m always happy to help shed light in any way I can.



The New Moon is a perfect time to receive energy work and soul medicine.


Crystal Care